General Assembly UX UI Design Immersive - Day one
Back in January 2018, I made a decision to change my career. After a decade in the fashion industry specifically in sourcing and production, I felt a calling for a new change. The past few years have not been easy as I’ve worked so hard to build up my retail production career, and finally making the decision to completely pivot was terrifying. The fashion retail industry has changed tremendously from brick and mortar stores to online, and I knew I wanted my skills to transition with the times. With this decision, I still desired to be in a creative environment, but I didn’t know how to make the transition into a new role that invested more heavily in technology. With many years of corporate experience and a few in illustration freelancing, it was discouraging to know that I still lacked some of the tools and skills to stay relevant in the creative online world. I stumbled upon UX/UI design and talked to a few of my previous coworkers that had successfully transitioned their career through the General Assembly immersive program. After my own online research and speaking to previous students, I knew UI/UX design was something I could see myself enjoying long-term. It would not only force me to continually improve my design skills, but it would also give me the opportunity to learn new creative skills and to network with other creative minds, which is incredibly exciting.
Fast forward to today -- only 3 months after my career-changing decision -- the first day of class, and after 36 hours of pre-work, I am now a student at General Assembly. I am excited to say I do not regret my decision. Here's to an intense 10 weeks!